DARTON Council Meeting 11 December 2019 Start Time: 7.30pm End Time: 7.40 pm Members attending: Helewys; Peter; Luan; Robyn; Aliena, Iarnulfr; Ali; Thomas; Ulf; William; Anna; Eduard; Bernard; Madeleine; Kjartan; Fiora; Tailtiu. Apologies: Johanna. Minutes from last meeting tabled by William Seconded by Thomas Comments – No comments. Officer Reports: Seneschal –Helewys Since the November meeting, I have submitted my quarterly report to Kingdom and filed the May Crown 2019 report to the Kingdom Seneschal and Exchequer. This is the last Council Meeting for the year, and as per tradition, there will be no council meeting in January – next one will be on 12 February 2020. No regular A&S meetings will be held on 25 December and 1 January 2020. A&S meetings will commence in the new year on 8 January and no meeting on 22 January while folks are at CF. Reminder Sherwater’s Summer Feast is on this weekend. Reeve – Johanna Opening Balance: 1 November 2019 $7,753.65 Income: Summer Feast (Sherwater) event fees: $124 Expenses: Thorndon Fair Shoot a Knight Fees $175 Closing Balance: $7,702.65 Marshal – Gordianus: Nil injuries reported to Gordianus  Fencing Continues on Wednesday  Archery and Heavy continue to happen  Scribal Warden – Iarnulfr: Nothing to report. Herald – Bernard = absent: Nothing to report. Events: May Crown 2019: Has this been finalised? Yes Levies paid? – No Sherwater Feast: Is on this weekend. Bookings have officially closed. Thorndon Fair: Helewys banked $626.60, less $175 for stall fee, we have made a profit of $451.60 General Business: Battery for Lights used at Crown: Luan discussed the reason why the battery power for the lights was needed, and that there is no need to organise this before CF. It can be tabled for discussion later in the year. Archery shades for CF: Luan asked whether the Shire or individuals were interested in contributing donations toward the shade shelters for the archery field at CF. Decision - that if any individuals wish to contribute they may do so. However, the Shire will not be. SCANZ waiting list: Bernard commented that currently there is no-one volunteering to be on the SCANZ committee waiting list.